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Abbreviation of terms

There are a lot of abbreviations to keep track of. Below you will find a list of some of the most common abbreviations used in the field of fire-protected wood.

Wstp-WFX-1 1350-900
BBR The Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and planning regulations
Br Building class
CEN European Committee for Standardization
CPD Construction Products Directive
CPR Construction Products Regulation
DRF Durability of Reaction to Fire
EN European standard
EXT Class for exterior use
FIGRA Fire Growth Rate [W/s]
GWP Global Warming Potential
HRR Heat Release Rate [kW/m2]
HHRmax / pHRR Max Heat Release Rate [kW/m2]
ISO International Standardization Organization
LCA Life Cycle Analysis
LCC Life Cycle Cost
NT Nordtest
PBL PBA (Planning and Building Act
RH Relative Humidity
SBI Single Burning Item
SS EN Swedish Standard
THR Total Heat Release Rate [MJ/m2]
tig Time to ignition [s]
Vk Occupancy Class