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Environment Health Sustainability

In the development of sustainable communities built of/with wood, it is about more than just a fire class. The entirety, where compliance with legal requirements for the environment, health and sustainability are important factors to take into account in the choice of manufacturer. Woodsafe Timber Protection AB reports its efforts and measures in our sustainability report, and associated documents are available for download.

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Let us explain

Fireproofing wood means that chemicals are used, with concern for harmful chemicals. There are legal requirements and there are assessment systems. Let us explain.

Legal requirements and assessment system

Let us guide you

Fire impregnation falls under the REACH regulation, which is the European Parliament's and the Council's regulation regarding Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals. The REACH regulation was introduced in 2007 to improve the protection of human health and the environment from the risks that chemicals can cause. In practice, Reach is about "No data - no market" which is central to REACH and means that a manufacturer or importer of substances cannot sell the chemical on the European market unless they complete this registration and pass the information further down the supply chain. This is not just about complying with the law, it is important to remember that the production and use of chemicals is covered by a social responsibility.

Unlike REACH, which is a regulation, assessment systems provided by the private sector is not a legal requirement. There are actors who, for compensation, provide one of them with an assessment of chemical content and more.

 Regulation (legal requirement) Voluntary
REACHLegal RequirementNo
Byggvarubedömningen assessmentNot a legal requirementYes
Sunda Hus Not a legal requirementYes
Svanen Not a legal requirementYes
Green Building Not a legal requirementYes
Cradle to CradleNot a legal requirementYes


Our offer

Woodsafe Timber Protection AB's systematic environmental management system is certified according to ISO 14001:2015 and confirms that we live up to obligations and expectations.

This is our environment offer

Examples on alternatives to choose from

Woodsafe has environment and sustainability work at the top of the agenda. Our environment and sustainability work comply with all legal requirements that are placed on our operations and we have a constant look ahead for improvement and efficiency, which means that the use of chemicals in our processes must be reduced based on product development.

In our certified environmental management system (ref: 5829M), 72 points are checked annually to ensure that our handling of chemicals and relevant legal requirements are met, among other things:

  • REACH (EC) NO 1907/2006
  • Environmental Code (SFS 1998:808)
  • Environmentally hazardous activities (SFS 1998:899)
  • Self-control (SFS 1998:901)
  • Public water services (SFS 2006:412)
  • Waste Ordinance (SFS 2020:614)
  • Hygienic limit values ​​(AFS 2018:1)
  • + 65 points


Let us explain

Woodsafe Timber Protection AB's fire impregnation agents are registered and approved for use according to the regulatory requirements for chemicals. Your health means everything. Let us explain

Health - Personal

Let us guide you

Chemicals often cause concern, not least for personal health. When you prescribe and/or use fire-impregnated wood, chemicals are a fact regardless of whether it is fire impregnation or fire protection painting. All manufacturers are covered by the REACH regulation, which means that chemicals toxic to the environment and health are not allowed to be used. However, there are chemicals included on the SVHC list, which are chemicals with special attention where, among other things, boron compounds are included.

In this context, it is important to understand that the legal requirements must be met, while assessment systems from the private sector are business where assessment of a product is based on the assessment system's guidelines. These must always comply with the legal requirements, but can be ideological, which means that the actors do not judge according to the legal requirements.

Recommendation when using:

  • Use goggles
  • Use breathing mask in case of dust
  • Use protective gloves

Risks when using:

  • No greater risks than ordinary wood


Our offer

Woodsafe Timber Protection AB has knowledge and control over the handling and use of our fire-impregnated wood products and we feel confident that you can safely use our products.

This is our information about health

Examples on health related facts

First we want to make a point. Fire protection is a legal requirement and REACH is a legal requirement. Woodsafe meets both legal requirements. This is important to understand because the range of information is wide and may not always be completely correct. Having said that, let's explain general instructions about health and our two systems.

General about health:
The end product that users get in contact with does not contain chemicals above legal limit level and no occurrence of common marketing term, toxic chemicals.

Is a goods, not chemicals, which are not classified as toxic or harmful to health or the environment. The fire protection agent PRO contains <5.5 weight percent (%) boron compounds. There is an obligation to provide information to downstream users, which Woodsafe informs about in the performance declaration. Boron is found in nature, fruit, water, consumer products such as salves, wound salves, eyewash, real caviar, chemical products. Boron is not absorbed by normal skin, boron is not a volatile substance, and to achieve any form of poisoning or nausea, large amounts of fireproofed wood must be consumed regularly.

WOODSAFE® Exterior WFX™:
Is a product, not a chemical, that is not classified as toxic or harmful to health or the environment. The fire retardant WFX contains formaldehyde in the working solution, which after the curing process reacts and hardens into a stable polymer similar to melamine plastic, for example kitchen utensils. Finished end product does not contain free formaldehyde and is approved according to EN717 (emission).


Let us explain

The purpose of our sustainability report is to measure, present and take responsibility for your own company's work towards sustainable development.
Let us explain.


Let us guide you

Sustainability reporting is a legal requirement for large companies and is a way to show and clarify what the company has achieved in its work for long-term sustainable development.

Companies that fulfill two or all three of the following conditions during both of the last two financial years must draw up a sustainability report:

  • Average number of employees more than 250 people
  • Balance sheet total more than SEK 175 million
  • Reported net turnover more than 350 MSEK

According to law, sustainability reporting must cover five different areas.

  1. Environment (e.g. use of energy and water)
  2. Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1, 2, 3)
  3. Social and personnel-related issues (working conditions, health, safety, dialogue)
  4. Human Rights
  5. Combating corruption

The obligation to draw up a sustainability report applies to financial years beginning on or after 1 January 2017.


Our offer

Woodsafe Timber Protection AB does not meet statutory criteria for sustainability reporting requirements. Despite this, we have chosen to comply with the legal requirements so stakeholders can value our services.


Examples of Woodsafe's overall sustainability goals

Woodsafe reports according to the guidelines for GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) and the ten principles that govern the content of the report.

  1. We identify stakeholders who affect or are affected by our business.
  2. We describe how our industry works and conditions that apply.
  3. We identify relevance of our business.
  4. We report completeness covering all essential issues and delimitations
  5. We reports key figures with precision
  6. We report both positive and negative results
  7. We report clearly without trouble wording and terminology
  8. We report consistently over time
  9. We report with reliability with analysis, compilation and archiving
  10. We report annually

What we report covers the below statutory requirements for sustainability reporting.

  1. Environment (e.g. use of energy and water)
  2. Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1, 2, 3)
  3. Social and personnel-related issues (working conditions, health, safety, dialogue)
  4. Human Rights
  5. Combating corruption